Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesdays strange stuff

I am too tired to wait for Blogger to upload pix tonight.

Knitting: A LOT! Finished frogging back Bumpkins leggings and knit several more rows (than tried to carry on conversations/play practical jokes and knit at the same time.) Note; that doesn't work. Ended up knitting the leg backwards (somehow went the wrong way! So now more frogging in store for it!). The sewing baby doll clothes fit! Just need to remember to take in more for seam allowance. Will have those done for Sunday's post.

Training last night was expensive! I was sitting on a guard tube and fell off backwards, causing water to go up my nose, through my sinuses and behind my eardrums. Needless to say I now have 2 ear infections. I tried to call DH to p/u my prescriptions but he had already left the house w/o cell phone. So no meds until tomorrow night and boy does my ear hurt. Now what Dr. releases a patient w/ear infections back in the water? Mine does- so I am cleared to continue to teach swim lessons. But both bosses said "DON'T GET YOUR HEAD WET!" So I am teaching lessons w/o putting my face in the water. I am not broken up about that at all- I hate water in my eyes. Water Aerobics class is growing: I had 7 ladies tonight! 3 that if there is a male guard won't come.

Strange Stuff Tuesday: And what is Halloween w/o Blood and some bruising? Perfect accompaniment for a ghoulish costume.

Weather: Snow mixed w/rain. Monday morning we had black ice.


Lynn said...

It's amazing what you can find on the WEB!! LOL

Take care of your ears, you should have the meds by now.

Fiber Chic said...

I hope your ears are better by the time you read this!