my new sewing machine. Isn't it pretty?

In answer to all the questions about the remodel. That is going to be the new music studio. It was an apartment but now.... music. I have discovered how the mice/shrews kept getting in the apt. there was a crawl space not covered sufficiently. The wiring was scary- kind of makes me wonder what the rest of the house is like. Since some of the house wiring is still covered w/fabric stuff. 1950's. Retro is nice- but so is modern technology. No we aren't demolishing so Nana can't move in. We are demoing so the kids can't ask to live in the apt. No really it is for DH. And to get an idea at how big this studio is going to be. It started out as a nice sized 2 bedroom apt. Complete w/bathroom, washer/dryer, kitchen, dining area and living room.
I found my knitting. Now to finish Bumpkins leggings and move onto socks (my feet are freezing!) and DM needs socks for Christmas. Also we need mittens really bad! Like 3 weeks ago. So w/my wool do I make felted oven mitts or regular mittens? Must sew something also. Will go cut it out! Must work on cross stitch also. Also have paperwork to fill out. What to do? Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.....
random website: This is really good for a laugh at any time.
That machine is NICE!!! No wonder you are finishing projects left and right!!!
The sewing machine looks complicated-a sign that it's a really good machine!
I would say try to do a week on one project, then a week on another if you can't decide...
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