I wanted to post a picture of DH's office over at the studio. But it was late when I got home and I left early today. So no pictures of the knitted fish either.
Knitting: nothing today.
Talked to my boss and another coworker and both said that Bumpkins probably did pick up a RWI. Thankfully her immune system fought it off, she still is sick only now w/a normal cough and just has clear snot.
Strange stuff: Since obviously I am still into biology items: and for your favorite OB/Midwife or anyone else that deals with delivering of babies. I give you this and this doll (not making one for Bumpkins any time soon).
Weather today: cloudy w/a snow shower, snow accumulation 1/4". Temp tonight driving home: at work 29 F with dry roads, in Kenai 31 F with Black Ice, Bridge Access 30 F with dry roads. There is a good sized ice puddle in our driveway.
YEAH! so glad Bumpkins' immune system works really well!
OK, those are very scary 'toys'. I am glad Bumpkins is getting better. Those kinds of things make me nervous as an aunt. Our weather (well, read blog!)
Good thing that Bumpkins is feeling better...can't wait to see the knitted fish!
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