Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A is for .......

Appreciation: For clouds in shapes- that we never used to have. (Those are some of the pathetic Black Spruce that we call trees!)
Appreciation: for Alaska's bounty. (Currants that need to get picked- as frost is coming).

Appreciation: for the fireweed that has already gone to seed and is taller than me. (6 weeks till winter and over 5 ft. of snow!)

Appreciation: for the fall flowers (Alaska Nasturtiums). I really like the variegated leaves.
Knitting: Cast on and ribbed one row of Bumpkin's leggings. Have to frog and recast as the ribbing doesn't quite line up. Will do that later tonight. Am now on the last row of Bumpkin's tank top. Need to do- straps and seam it up. (Did you know knitting 3 sts. on size US 8 needles is really hard, esp... when said knitting needles are about 14" long.)

Worked a really long day today: 7 am until 3 pm. Wouldn't have been so bad except that I thought that I worked until 12. So I didn't get much sleep last night- as we are trying to get Bumpkin's out of our bed. That lasted until 2:30, when I decided that 5:30 was coming fast. So now I am exhausted and Bumpkin's is napping.

Thank you to all who comment, I will continue to have random websites and strange stuff.

Tonight dinner: Pizza

Weather: Sunny and 60 (you can tell someone other than an Alaskan designed Weather girl- she is always in pants and long sleeve shirt. Today I am in t-shirt and shorts!)

1 comment:

Fiber Chic said...

You changed the template! Cool!
I hate it when you have to knit just a few stitches over and over to get part of a pattern-it takes so long!