Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Strange Stuff Tuesday

Just minutes later this baby jumped through the
fence to get to Mama.
Knitting: 1/2 way through the Twitterpated purse. Gathering supplies for the Ravelrylympics. Only in one event.

Went to work today, back is still very stiff. Oddly the deep end was the hardest area of the pool to be in.

Picked 1.5 qts of strawberries today- oh so very good! Sweet and full of water/juice. Delish. My currants don't look very good- kind of small. But the lowbush cranberries- better pick those at first frost. Lots of em and bigguns too. Not sure about the crowberries or serviceberries haven't seen any of those patches around.

Think there is going to be another post heading called Life w/Teenage Boys stay tuned for that one.

It is late and finally the sun is setting (another gorgeous sunset). Will try to take a photo tomorrow of the sunset.

Weather: sunny and warm 58 F.

dinner: French toast slathered in Maple Syrup and melted butter w/fresh strawberries on the side.


Lynn said...

Can you get some pics of the strawberries? I LOVE your dinner tonight as well. mmmmmmm

Aim said...

Hmmmm, what do you do with YOUR serviceberries? Eat them fresh, or can them?....Poor mooselet