Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday Sky.... not....

Sorry no pics
left the camera in
the van.
(and if i went to go
get it, the computer would
be used by someone
else by the time I got back).

Got a beautiful shot of the sky last
night with Redoubt's steam plume.

today got a wonderful shot
of my back tail light broken out.
(got backed into while at the track meet).
also today got a Geography lesson in Alaska.
There were teams from all over
participating in the meet.
Kenny Lake, Juneau- Douglas,
(just to name a couple).
And it snowed this morning.

Our driveway is just about bare of snow.
My garden has snow from when it slid off of
the roof.

This week have passed up the
opportunity to buy baby geese,
Baby rabbits, baby chicks, and baby turkeys.
maybe next week.

Work has been extremely busy.
DH is now employed at the census borough.

and because i haven't done one of these for a bit
somethings are just wrong.
Woman makes clothes out of her own hair.


Lynn said...

All I can say is ICK!

Kris said...

I agree with Lynn..but, on the other hand it is washable and would not shrink! Then, again, my word ecapsulates this idea..lousl.